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Congratulations: Mister Sparky Electric IFA Franchisee of the Year winner

Proud to Announce Our Franchise Owner George Saldana in San Antonio Takes Home IFA’s Franchisee of 2021 Year after year, George Saldana has risen as one of the most successful Mister Sparky owners. George Saldana purchased his first Mister Sparky Franchise in 2007 and purchased the remainder of the Metro San Antonio area, Mister Sparky, in 2009. Currently, George’s Mister Sparky …

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How To Recruit & Retain Electricians

If you’re looking to build an electrical service company from scratch or already have one, but you’ve been having trouble attracting qualified applicants, or having anyone apply for that matter, you’re in luck. Our team has proven processes and strategies needed to ensure you’re only hiring and retaining the best electricians in your area. How to Hire Electricians for Your …

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How This Mister Sparky Franchise is Helping Their Local Community

2020 and the subsequent 2021 have not been easy for anyone. The pandemic brought new challenges the likes we’ve never seen before. Supply and demand have continued to cause inflation to rise, and areas all over the country have been experiencing record-setting temperatures apart from the ever-present global warming crisis. While all have not been amazing throughout the past two …

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3 Ways We Make It Easier to Run Your Electrician Business

Many of the owners that join Mister Sparky’s expansive network of franchise owners across the United States join via one of two paths. Either they’re looking to start their own business or convert their established business to a Mister Sparky location. Due to our industry-leading systems, processes, and support, we’re able to help both types of business owners take hold …

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Why You Should Franchise with Mister Sparky

The United States Department of Labor’s Bureau of Statistics states that employment for electricians is expected to grow by 8% before 2029. With no shortage of work, there’s no wonder question that electricians and the electrical service company will stay fruitful far after the end of this year. When it comes to taking advantage of the electrical industry and the …

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How Mister Sparky Electric Empowers Local Communities

How To Make a Difference with Your Business Whether it’s donations or volunteering, businesses always look for ways to make a difference in the world and their local communities. If you’re looking to make a difference with your electrical business, you’ve come to the right place. Mister Sparky can help! Whether you’re looking to start a new electrical business or …

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How Mister Sparky Works to Offer More Inclusive Franchise Opportunities

Starting a business is hard. From gathering the correct licenses and buying power to hiring and training a team, there’s a lot to do. Because of the overwhelming number of tasks, entrepreneurs will turn to turn to franchise opportunities to lessen the panic and stress that comes with starting a business. Franchising Provided New Opportunities to New People And while …

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Best Electrical Franchising Discounts

Franchising has always been a great choice for those looking to establish their own business without the guesswork and risk that comes with starting a new business venture. When you’re looking to start an electrical business, turn to Mister Sparky. Not only because of the ultimate franchising toolbox you get with everything you need to succeed, but because of the …

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How Much Does a Mister Sparky Franchise Cost?

Our franchise owners, or franchisees, are the foundation of our business and established reputation as of the leaders of the electrical industry. Whether they started an electrical business from scratch, converted their existing company, or added a Mister Sparky to their current home service offerings, all of our franchisees receive the same proven tools and roadmaps to success. All alongside …

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Can Converting Your Electrician Business to a Franchise Save You Money?

With the opportunities Mister Sparky presents, you won’t have to operate your company alone any longer. At Mister Sparky, our team is dedicated to providing every one of our franchise owners will all the tools needed to make the most out of their investment and hard work. Our reliable business operations will handle select business tasks from payroll and training …