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How Do You Become an Electrician?

October 22, 2021

There’s a shortage of electricians. Why? Older electricians retired early due to the pandemic, so the demand for electricians is increasing and projected to continue. Most significantly, not enough new electricians are entering the service industry.

While you may have always dreamed of working with electricity since you were a child or are currently looking to take advantage of the demand for electrical services and the new opportunities available to qualified electricians, Mister Sparky is here to offer some guidance on the proper steps to take!

While becoming an electrician is no easy task, we believe with the right resources, dedication, and hard work, you can be on your way to build the life you’ve been dreaming of:

1. Check Local Rules, Regulations, and Dreams

First and foremost, you’ll have to double-check the local rules and regulations electricians must follow in the state you’re located in. This is especially important because becoming an electrician can take anywhere from three to five years, so you’ll want to make sure you’re doing the right things.

Also, before you get too deep, make sure it’s really what you want to do! Be open to exploring the responsibilities of an electrician by speaking or shadowing one or two professionals.

2. Double-Check Your Qualifications

Also, it’s important to double-check the qualifications needed to become an electrician:

  • Be at least 18 years old
  • Have a high school diploma or GED
  • Be able to perform specific physical work

Of course, the qualifications needed change state by state. Always remember to check with your state to gain a complete understanding of what is needed.

3. Electrician Trade School or Apprenticeship?

There usually are two routes you can take to gain the skills, knowledge, and experience needed to become an electrician: Enrolling in a trade school or working under an apprenticeship for a certain number of hours.

Electrician Trade School

Trade schools are great as they’re not as long as traditional 4-year universities and tend to be much more hands-on, opposed to being stuck in your seat all day. You’ll be able to work alongside real professional electricians, other electricians in training and gain the experience you need to get started on your electrician career.

Electrician Apprenticeship

If you choose to be an apprentice, if your state allows, you’ll have to attend classes first for somewhere between three to four years. This is mixed in or followed by hours of hands-on experience learning from a trained professional. Apprenticeships can be more difficult, as they’re competitive to get into and take a bit longer to complete due to the hybrid style of learning.

It’s crucial to make sure the school you’re working with has is approved by the state, and you understand the exact number of hours you need to train in the classroom and work in the field.

4. Get Prepared to Test

Once you complete the necessary number of hours of training you need for your state, you’ll have to prepare for your final test to become licensed. In most cases, the trade school you attended will teach according to the final test, so you’ll be well acquainted with the material.

Some of the things the test will cover include:

  • Conductors
  • Circuits
  • Grounding
  • Lighting
  • Safety

5. Get Your Electrical License

You’ll test with the state. Once you finish the test and pass, you’ll be able to apply for your license! The final things you’ll need to gather to apply for your license include:

  • Apprenticeship or trade school completion certificate
  • Proof for number of hours spent working and training
  • Relevant fees for license
  • Test scores

6. Explore Your Options

And like that, you’re done! With an electrician license, there are several paths you can follow. While some electricians may choose to work in new construction, residential, industrial, maintenance, or even auto, electricians who are entrepreneurs at heart may be considering another option.

Mister Sparky is Always Hiring Entrepreneurs

While earning your electrician’s license certainly gives you a great chance to start a business on your own, even the most experienced electrician can have trouble starting their own business. The best way to give yourself a solid foundation and a jump start to your next chapter, explore the electrician business opportunities Mister Sparky offers!

New to the world of electricians? Give us a call to see how we can help – call us at (888) 718-6186 to get started!

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