August 26, 2021
Starting a business is hard. From gathering the correct licenses and buying power to hiring and training a team, there’s a lot to do. Because of the overwhelming number of tasks, entrepreneurs will turn to turn to franchise opportunities to lessen the panic and stress that comes with starting a business.
Franchising Provided New Opportunities to New People
And while franchising provides entrepreneurs of all backgrounds the ability to fast track their business and find success sooner than building something new from the ground up, these types of opportunities have been especially helpful for women, minorities, and other groups who have been historically disadvantaged economically, among facing other extreme difficulties in areas including access to capital, fair and sustainable financing, property ownership, and accessing insurance.
In a study published by the International Franchise Association, it was found that minority franchise ownership is on the rise with 30.8% of franchisees being owned by minorities. This is notably higher than the percentage of minorities owning non-franchise businesses, which is 18.8%.
Creating a More Inclusive Industry
At Mister Sparky, we do everything in our power to continue this upward trend in ensuring that our expansive network is diverse, and everybody has an equal chance to start their electrical franchise, especially those who have been historically underrepresented. One of the ways we’re able to do this is by partnering with International Franchise Association through their DiversityFran program.
What is DiversityFran®?
We’re proud members of the International Franchise Association’s DiversityFran Program. For well over a decade, DiversityFran has been operating on the sole mission of “increasing both the number and success of minorities involved with franchising.” The program aims to support the availability of educational and franchise opportunities for women, minorities, and others seeking careers in franchising.
Mister Sparky Diversification Discount
With the help of this landmark program, we’re able to provide a reduced franchise fee of $5,000 for minority-owned and women-owned businesses. To qualify for the Diversity Discount, the franchised business must be at least 51% owned by a woman or minority.
Mister Sparky, and the other brands under the Authority Brands umbrella, have a deep-rooted commitment to giving all franchise owners all the tools they need to operate a successful business. A large component of this includes making what was once thought unreachable goals obtainable by reducing the other barriers to entry for all types of people.
If you’re interested in learning about our electrical franchise opportunities in your area of town, be sure to reach out to us today! We’re dedicated to helping you achieve your full success with a new Mister Sparky location!
Request more franchise information by giving us a call at (888) 718-6186 or contacting us online.