Cherie & Jack Jester – Oak Hall, VA
Mister Sparky Electric and Benjamin Franklin Plumbing
Uncertainty has become a part of our daily lives. We’re all doing our best to keep our businesses up and running. And some, like Cherie and Jack Jester, have been going above and beyond.
Recently, Cherie and Jack, owners of Mister Sparky® and Benjamin Franklin Plumbing – Oak Hall, VA, developed a program to assist people in need in the community. The Jesters and their team of plumbers and electricians make deliveries twice a week to a neighborhood women’s shelter. They are delivering food, toilet paper, and various other supplies to give to people who are struggling. The company has had a relationship with this shelter for several years, which has morphed into what it is today.
The food and supplies are donated by the Jester’s customers and employees. Cherie set up a drop off location outside the office so the general public can stop by to make donations that will be delivered by their team. Additionally, she is working with a local radio station who is publicizing the program (for FREE), and at the same time, getting some fantastic publicity for the company.
Cherie and Jack are also thinking about the future and hope to team up with other Mister Sparky® and Benjamin Franklin Plumbings in the area. Additionally, they’ve reached out to a nearby homeless shelter to see if they can help them in any way.
On top of all that, everyone is staying busy and all the techs are working! Initially, Cherie and Jack’s team couldn’t find supplies for masks, but they found someone to create them for the whole team. They are following the protocols for social distancing and limiting contact as much as possible.